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Renesas RX62T 馬達控制解決方案(YMCRPRX62T)

關(guān)鍵詞: 微處理器|微控制器 RX62T MCU

Renesas公的RX62T是采用100-MHz 32位RX MCU,工作頻率高達100MHz,100MHz時性能為165DMIPS,具有單精度32位IEEE-754浮點,累加器能從32x32位運算中處理64位結(jié)果,乘法和除法單元能處理32x32位運算,具有快速中斷功能,集成了12位ADC,100MHz PWM,工作電壓3.3V或5V,主要用于家用電器,工業(yè)自動化,辦公設(shè)備,音頻設(shè)備和消費類電子產(chǎn)品等.本文介紹了RX62T系列主要特性,方框圖,RX62T馬達控制評估套件的性能和功能,技術(shù)特性和完整的電路圖.


■ 32-bit RX CPU core

? Max. operating frequency: 100 MHz Capable of 165 DMIPS in operation at 100 MHz

? Single precision 32-bit IEEE-754 floating point

? Accumulator handles 64-bit results (for a single instruction) from 32- × 32-bit operations

? Multiplication and division unit handles 32- × 32-bit operations (multiplication instructions take one CPU clock cycle)

? Fast interrupt

? Divider (fastest instruction execution takes two CPU clock cycles)

? Fast interrupt

? CISC Harvard architecture with 5-stage pipeline

? Variable-length instructions: Ultra-compact code

? Background JTAG debugging plus high-speed tracing

■ Operating voltage

? Single 3.3- or 5-V supply; 5-V analog supply is possible with 3.3-V products

■ Low-power design and architecture

? Four low-power modes

■ On-chip main flash memory, no wait states

? 100-MHz operation, 10-ns read cycle

? No wait states for reading at full CPU speed

? 64-Kbyte/128-Kbyte/256-Kbyte capacities

? For instructions and operands

? User code programmable via the SCI or JTAG

■ On-chip data flash memory

? Max. 32 Kbytes, reprogrammable up to 30,000 times

? Erasing and programming impose no load on the CPU.

■ On-chip SRAM, no wait states

? 8-Kbyte/16-Kbyte SRAM

? For instructions and operands


? DTC: The single unit is capable of transfer on multiple channels

■ Reset and supply management

? Power-on reset (POR)

? Low voltage detection (LVD) with voltage settings

■ Clock functions

? External crystal oscillator or internal PLL for operation at 8 to 12.5 MHz

? Internal 125-kHz LOCO for the IWDT

? Detection of main oscillator stoppage (for IEC 60730 compliance)

■ Independent watchdog timer (for IEC60730compliance)

? 125-kHz LOCO clock operation

? Software is incapable of stopping the robust WDT.

■ Up to 7 communications interfaces

? 1: CAN (compliant with ISO11898-1), incorporating 32 mailboxes

? 3: SCIs, with asynchronous mode (incorporating noise cancellation), clock-synchronous mode, and smart-card interface mode

? 1: I2C bus interface, capable of SMBus operation

? 1: RSPI

? 1: LIN

■ Up to 16 16-bit timers

? 8: 16-bit MTU3: 100-MHz operation, input capture, output compare, two three-phase complementary PWM output channels, complementary PWM imposing no load on the CPU, phase-counting mode

? 4: 16-bit GPT: 100-MHz operation, input capture, output compare, four complementary single-phase PWM output channels, or one three-phase complementary PWM output channel and one single-phase complementary PWM output channel, complementary PWM imposing no load on the CPU, operation linked with comparator (forcounting and control of PWM-signal negation), detection of abnormal oscillation frequencies (for IEC 60730 compliance)

? 4: 16-bit CMT

■ Three A/D converter units for 1-MHz operation, for a total of 20 channels

? Three units are capable of simultaneous sampling on seven channels

? Self diagnosis (for IEC60730 compliance)

? 8: Two 12-bit ADC units: three sample-and-hold circuits, double data registers, amplifier, comparator

? 12: Single 10-bit ADC unit

■ CRC (cyclic redundancy check) calculation unit

? Monitoring of data being transferred (for IEC 60730 compliance)

? Monitoring of data in memory (for IEC 60730 compliance)

■ Up to 61 input–output ports and up to 21 input-only ports

? PORT registers: Monitoring of output ports (for IEC 60730 compliance)

■ Operating temp. range

? –40?C to +85?C



Ready-to-use Platform for Evaluating Sensorless Vector Control and Position Control With the Renesas RX600 Motor Control Evaluation Kit, you can:

■■ Learn the RX62T motor control feature set

■■ Explore advanced motor control algorithms

■■Monitor speed and position regulation

■■Observe responsiveness to load changes

■■ Connect with user- supplied inverter

■■ Debug using on-board test points and the E1 emulator User-friendly GUI for  Performance Evaluation

■■ Speed, voltage and current tracking

■■ Bi-directional speed/position control

■■User selectable vector control algorithms

■■ System status indicator

■■ Data-logging

Kit also offers:

■■ Sensorless vector control (1 or 3 shunt)

■■ External or internal PGA selection (via jumpers)

■■ Position control using encoder

■■ Standalone mode using LCD and push-button

■■ Connector for user-supplied inverter stage

Use the Renesas RX600 Motor Control Evaluation Kit to develop your motor control solutions. With its high-performance CPU and FPU capability, and advanced analog and timer peripherals, the RX62T is an ideal MCU for inverter and motor control applications. The RX62T firmware supports many kinds of motor control, including high-precision three-phase sensorless vector control. The supplied GUI provides precise tracking of speed, position, voltage and current.

The RX62T Motor Control Kit is an evaluation tool for Renesas microcontrollers and incorporates the following features:

• Single board that consists of MCU and inverter stage

• Capability to drive two motors:

24V up to 5A 3-phase Brushless DC motor with hall sensors, encoder and sensor-less with on-board hardware

Any 3-phase Brushless DC or AC Induction motor with user-supplied power stage

• Support for dual operation mode:

GUI mode : controlled by GUI from a personal computer through USB connection Standalone mode:controlled by on-board potentiometer, pushbuttons and LCD

• Ease-of-use:

User code debugging

User interface such as: switches, potentiometer, LED, LCD

Sample application code

Sample peripheral initialization code

• Multiple sensor and sensor-less motor control algorithms

Three-shunt and single-shunt current measurement support

External amplifier and internal PGA support

• On-board USB isolator for E1 emulator


Home appliances, industrial automation, office equipment, audio equipment, consumer products etc.


--Control Board with RX62T MCU and RJK0656DPB Power MOSFETs

--24V/4-pole BLDC motor with encoder and hall sensor

--E1 debugger for software debugging and Flash programming

--CD ROM containing sample code, motor control library, HEW IDE and evaluation copy of Renesas RX compiler, schematics, user guide and application notes























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