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On Semi NCS8353立體聲每路20W D類功率放大方案

作者:On Semi公司

On Semi公司的NCS8353是立體聲每路輸出20W的D類音頻功率放大器,具有可編程" title="可編程">可編程程的功率限制和可選擇的增益: 20 dB, 26 dB, 32 dB, 36 dB。NCS8353的效率高達86%,,每路的輸出功率限制有10W,12W,,15W和20W.工作電壓8 V 到26 V,主要用在平板電視機和有源揚聲器,。本文介紹了NCS8353主要特性,,基本方框圖和8歐姆揚聲器典型應(yīng)用電路圖。

Stereo 20W/Ch Class D Audio Power Amplifier with Programmable Power Limit and Selectable Gain

The NCS8353 is a stereo Class D audio power amplifier capable of delivering a continuous power of up to 20 W/ch into an 8ohm bridge tied load (BTL). It can be powered from the existing 24 V rail in Flat Panel Television (FPTV) systems. The high efficiency of the NCS8353, 86%, reduces the requirement of an external heat sink when driving
high power.

The digital power limit feature can program the output power limit at 10 W, 12 W, 15 W, or 20 W/ch, allowing the NCS8353 to be a single system solution in FPTV audio applications.

The NCS8353 includes a digital power limit feature. The digital power limiter quickly reduces the internal gain of the amplifier when high amplitude signals would cause excessive clipping on the output.

The NCS8353 minimizes pop and click artifacts in the audio system by reducing voltage and current transients during power supply cycling, entering or recovering from shutdown, and mute. The shutdown feature reduces the quiescent current draw of the amplifier

to 100u NCS8353uA typical. The mute feature ensures that audio is not present at the output during audio source switching.

The gain of the NCS8353 is programmed via two gain pins, G0 and G1, allowing four selectable ranges: 20 dB, 26 dB, 32 dB, and 36 dB.

Auto recovery short circuit and over temperature protection circuitry are incorporated to ensure device functionality after short circuit and high temperature events occur.


Powered from 8 V to 26 V to include FPTV Backlight Supply (24 V ?5%)

Digital Power Limiter Controlled by Two External bits: 10 W, 12 W,

15 W,or 20 W per Channel

♦?Allows for Maximum System Flexibility

♦?Reduces Distortion with Excessive Inputs

Pop and Click Suppression

Selectable Gain: 20 dB, 26 dB, 32 dB, 36 dB

High Efficiency Eliminates the Need for External Heat Sink

Low Supply Current: IQ = 100uA Typical During Shutdown at 12 V

Mute Function

Auto−recovery Short−Circuit Protection

Over Temperature Protection

Fully Differential Architecture

This is a Pb−Free Device


Flat Panel Television (FPTV)

Powered Speakers


圖2,。NCS8353 8歐姆揚聲器典型應(yīng)用電路圖

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