</a></a>放大器" title="放大器">放大器,游戲控制器,揚聲器系統(tǒng)和通用音頻功率放大器.本文介紹了IR4302主要特性,功能方框圖,典型應用電路以及采用IR4302的100W / 4歐姆x 2路D類音頻功率放大器主要特性,電路圖,材料清單和PCB布局圖.
The IR4302, IR4312 integrates 2 channel PWM controller and digital audio MOSFETs forming a high performance Class D audio amplifier. As a result of fully optimized MOSFETs co-packed with a dedicated controller IC, the IR4302, IR4312 operates without mechanical heatsink attached in a typical music playback usage. High voltage ratings and noise immunity in the controller IC ensures reliable operation over various environmental conditions. A small 7x7 mm PQFN package enhances the benefit of smaller size of Class D topology. The IR4302, IR4312 are a lead-free, ROHS compliant.
? 2 channel integrated analog input Class D audio amplifier in a small 7 x 7 mm PQFN44 package
? No mechanical heatsink required
? High peak music power output
? Split or single power supply
? Differential or single-ended input
? Over-current, over-temperature and under voltage protections with self-reset feature
? Start/stop click noise reduction
? Clip and Fault reporting outputs
? High noise immunity
? RoHS compliant
? Home theatre systems
? Docking station audio systems
? PC audio systems
? Musical instruments
? Karaoke amplifiers
? Game consoles
? Powered speaker systems
? General purpose audio power amplifiers
采用IR4302的100W / 4歐姆x 2路D類音頻功率放大器
圖5.100W / 4歐姆x 2路D類音頻功率放大器IRAUDAMP17外形圖
The IRAUDAMP17 reference design is a two-channel, 100W/ch (4 Ω/52V Bus voltage) half-bridge Class D audio power amplifier with single power supply. This reference design demonstrates how to use the IR4302 IC with single power supply, implement protection circuits, and design an optimum PCB layout using PowIRaudio integrated Class D IC. This reference design does not require additional heatsink or fan cooling for normal operation (one-eighth of continuous rated power).The reference design provides all the required housekeeping power supplies for ease of use. The twochannel design is scalable for power and the number of channels.
Output Power: 100W x 2 channels (10%THD+N 4Ω load; with heatsink),
60W x 2 channels (10%THD+N 4Ω load; no heatsink),
Multiple Protection Features: Over-current protection (OCP), high side and low side
Over-voltage protection (OVP),
Under-voltage protection (UVP), high side and low side
Over-temperature protection (OTP)
PWM Modulator: Self-oscillating half-bridge topology
? AV receivers
? Home theater systems
? Mini component stereos
? Powered speakers
? Sub-woofers
? Musical Instrument amplifiers
? Car audio amplifiers
圖7.IRAUDAMP17 PCB布局圖:頂層
圖8.IRAUDAMP17 PCB布局圖:底層
The IR4302, IR4312 integrates 2 channel PWM controller and digital audio MOSFETs forming a high performance Class D audio amplifier. As a result of fully optimized MOSFETs co-packed with a dedicated controller IC, the IR4302, IR4312 operates without mechanical heatsink attached in a typical music playback usage. High voltage ratings and noise immunity in the controller IC ensures reliable operation over various environmental conditions. A small 7x7 mm PQFN package enhances the benefit of smaller size of Class D topology. The IR4302, IR4312 are a lead-free, ROHS compliant.
? 2 channel integrated analog input Class D audio amplifier in a small 7 x 7 mm PQFN44 package
? No mechanical heatsink required
? High peak music power output
? Split or single power supply
? Differential or single-ended input
? Over-current, over-temperature and under voltage protections with self-reset feature
? Start/stop click noise reduction
? Clip and Fault reporting outputs
? High noise immunity
? RoHS compliant
? Home theatre systems
? Docking station audio systems
? PC audio systems
? Musical instruments
? Karaoke amplifiers
? Game consoles
? Powered speaker systems
? General purpose audio power amplifiers
采用IR4302的100W / 4歐姆x 2路D類音頻功率放大器
圖5.100W / 4歐姆x 2路D類音頻功率放大器IRAUDAMP17外形圖
The IRAUDAMP17 reference design is a two-channel, 100W/ch (4 Ω/52V Bus voltage) half-bridge Class D audio power amplifier with single power supply. This reference design demonstrates how to use the IR4302 IC with single power supply, implement protection circuits, and design an optimum PCB layout using PowIRaudio integrated Class D IC. This reference design does not require additional heatsink or fan cooling for normal operation (one-eighth of continuous rated power).The reference design provides all the required housekeeping power supplies for ease of use. The twochannel design is scalable for power and the number of channels.
Output Power: 100W x 2 channels (10%THD+N 4Ω load; with heatsink),
60W x 2 channels (10%THD+N 4Ω load; no heatsink),
Multiple Protection Features: Over-current protection (OCP), high side and low side
Over-voltage protection (OVP),
Under-voltage protection (UVP), high side and low side
Over-temperature protection (OTP)
PWM Modulator: Self-oscillating half-bridge topology
? AV receivers
? Home theater systems
? Mini component stereos
? Powered speakers
? Sub-woofers
? Musical Instrument amplifiers
? Car audio amplifiers
圖7.IRAUDAMP17 PCB布局圖:頂層
圖8.IRAUDAMP17 PCB布局圖:底層
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