</a>逆變器" title="逆變器">逆變器" title="逆變器">逆變器(DC/AC轉換器),DC輸入電壓從表面上20V到28V,輸出電壓230Vrms 59Hz,輸出功率達1000W,效率高達90%,主要用在UPS和光伏(PV)系統(tǒng).本文介紹了DC/AC轉換器系統(tǒng)框圖,在PV系統(tǒng)應用框圖,STEVAL-ISV001V1系統(tǒng)指標,電路圖和材料清單以及所用變壓器與電感技術指標,PCB布局圖.
1000 W dual stage DC-AC converter demonstration board based on the STP160N75F3
This application note provides design guidelines and performance characterization of the STEVAL-ISV001V1 demonstration board.
This board implements a 1 kW dual stage DC-AC converter, suitable for use in batterypowered uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) or photovoltaic (PV) standalone systems.
The converter is fed by a low DC input voltage varying from 20 V to 28 V, and is capable of supplying up to 1 kW of output power on a single-phase AC load. These features are possible thanks to a dual stage conversion topology that includes an efficient step-up pushpull DC-DC converter, which produces a regulated high-voltage DC bus and a sinusoidal HBridge PWM inverter to generate a 50 Hz, 230 Vrms output sine wave. Other key features of the system proposed are high power density, high switching frequency and efficiency greater than 90% over a wide output load range
圖1.1 kW DC-AC轉換器外形圖
1.5 mH 2.5 A電感L4技術指標(MAGNETICA制造)
1kW 100kHz開關電源變壓器TX1技術指標(MAGNETICA制造)
1000 W dual stage DC-AC converter demonstration board based on the STP160N75F3
This application note provides design guidelines and performance characterization of the STEVAL-ISV001V1 demonstration board.
This board implements a 1 kW dual stage DC-AC converter, suitable for use in batterypowered uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) or photovoltaic (PV) standalone systems.
The converter is fed by a low DC input voltage varying from 20 V to 28 V, and is capable of supplying up to 1 kW of output power on a single-phase AC load. These features are possible thanks to a dual stage conversion topology that includes an efficient step-up pushpull DC-DC converter, which produces a regulated high-voltage DC bus and a sinusoidal HBridge PWM inverter to generate a 50 Hz, 230 Vrms output sine wave. Other key features of the system proposed are high power density, high switching frequency and efficiency greater than 90% over a wide output load range
圖1.1 kW DC-AC轉換器外形圖
1.5 mH 2.5 A電感L4技術指標(MAGNETICA制造)
1kW 100kHz開關電源變壓器TX1技術指標(MAGNETICA制造)
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