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Ampleon issues update on investor status


  Ampleon has today issued an update to its December 2017 announcement regarding the transfer of shares to a new shareholder, Aurora Optoelectronics Co. Limited (Aurora). Aurora has informed us it is currently not in a position to proceed towards its intended goal of acquiring a majority shareholding in Ampleon.

  Reinier Beltman, CEO, Ampleon comments, “Our objective to become a listed company is unchanged. Our shareholders led by Jianguang Asset Management Co. Ltd (JAC) will continue to explore options to support this. Let me assure customers and other stakeholders that our business and operations continue as usual”.

  About Ampleon:

  Created in 2015, Ampleon is shaped by 50 years of RF power leadership and is set to exploit the full potential of data and energy transfer in RF. Ampleon has more than 1,350 employees worldwide, dedicated to creating optimal value for customers. Its innovative, yet consistent portfolio offers products and solutions for a wide range of applications, such as mobile broadband infrastructure, radio & TV broadcasting, CO2 lasers & plasma, MRI, particle accelerators, radar & air-traffic control, non-cellular communications, RF cooking & defrosting, RF heating and plasma lighting. For details on the leading global partner in RF Power, visit www.ampleon.com

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