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關(guān)鍵詞: CPLD 低功耗




  Any engineer involved with portable or handheld products knows that minimizing power
consumption is an absolute requirement for today’s designs. But only the veterans
understand the subtle yet important details that can stretch a systems’ battery life to the
maximum. In this article we’ll focus on how those seasoned experts use ultra-low-power
complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs) to wring out every last microwatt from
the I/O subsystems of their embedded designs.


   We'll begin by reviewing how CPLDs are commonly used to shrink power, board space and BOM costs in embedded designs. Next, we'll see how to minimize a CPLD's power consumption in its standby mode, not only by carefully selecting the device itself but also by choosing an appropriate bus parking scheme. Our exploration of power conservation during active operation will include techniques such as selective logic gating, smart I/O design and precision supply voltage management.






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