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Rugged 250 Watt RF PA transistor delivers 69 % energy efficiency and withstands VSWR 20:1 on all phases

關(guān)鍵詞: WattRFPA energyefficiency withstands

  Ampleon today announced an addition to its line-up of high power LDMOS RF transistors suitable for use in continuous wave (CW) RF energy applications. The BLC2425M10LS250 power transistor is highly efficient, achieving up to 69 % efficiency and is capable of providing up to 250 Watts output power in the 2,400 to 2,500 MHz frequency range. Its high efficiency, believed to be best in class for an LDMOS device operating in this frequency range, helps keep the need for cooling to a minimum while also lowering the energy costs of operation.

  This rugged device, capable of withstanding a load mismatch of up to VSWR 20:1, is assembled in an air cavity SOT1270-1 plastic earless flanged package and has internal input / output matching and ESD protection components. Together these attributes support system design and integration, and simplify the need for additional device protection circuitry. Also, with its broadband operation, the device allows for ease of control and flexibility in operation.

  The BLC2425M10LS250 is aimed at a broad range of commercial and consumer cooking, industrial, scientific and medical applications.

  A full datasheet can be downloaded here: https://www.ampleon.com/documents/data-sheet/BLC2425M10LS250.pdf

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