Design of a multi-to-multi electronic voting scheme based on homomorphism
Huo Shanshan 1,Li Yanjun 1,2,,Liu Jian 1,,Luo Xinrui 2
(1.Information Industry Information Security Evaluation Center, The 15th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Beijing 100083, China; 2.Beijing Institute of Electronic Science and Technology, Beijing 100070, China)
Abstract: The electronic voting system is usually designed based on cryptography technologies such as secure multiparty computation, blind signature, homomorphic encryption and secret sharing, and is realized through the network. Compared with traditional voting, the privacy of each role is well protected, and the voting and counting process is more secure and efficient. Based on the homogeneity of Paillier cipher, this paper designed a multitomulti voting scheme, which uses precalculated triples to judge the three options of approval, abstention, and objection without decrypting the votes. Then the total vote is generated because of the cryptohomomorphism, and the counting center can select the first t winners from the m candidates after decryption. The correctness and security was proved, and the communication cost requirement and the computational workload of voters, trusted centers, and tellers required for the implementation of the scheme were analyzed. The overall efficiency of the scheme is high, and it is suitable for largescale electronic voting occasions.
Key words : electronic voting; Paillier cipher; homomorphic encryption; security