Survey on constructing eviction sets in conflictbased cache side channel attacks
Li Zhenzhen1,2,,Song Wei1,2
1 Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China; 2 School of Cyber Security, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract: Cache side channel attacks are threats to user′s information security and hardware infrastructure security. They involve encryption algorithms, browsers, virtual machines, and operating systems, etc., particularly caches and memory. In some more complex micro architecture attacks, the attacker uses cache side channel attacks to obtain key information. In conflict based cache side channel attacks, the attacker and the victim only need to share the cache, making a wide range threat with strong stealthiness. Constructing eviction sets is the first and critical step in conflict based cache side channel attacks. This article first reviews the development of eviction set construction researches. The eviction set construction algorithms are classified. In each classification, the representative algorithms are systematically described. Next, this article analyses the factors influencing the performance of eviction set construction algorithms.
Key words : hardware security; CPU cache; cache side channel attack; eviction set